Caring For Your Granite Benchtop

One of the major perks of having granite surfaces in your home, is that they require very little maintenance. Granite is one of the hardest minerals on earth, so is by nature extremely strong and durable. It is also heat and stain resistant. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t need a little bit of loving, with a good routine using basic equipment and product, your granite benchtop will serve you well for many years. The Granite Benchtop Company recommends this fail-safe method for caring for your granite benchtop, to make sure it stays looking as good as the day it was installed.

The method we advise to our clients here at GBC is really basic – a 30:70 mix of Methylated Spirits and water. Inexpensive and easy!

  1. First you’ll need to do a surface clean of the benchtop to remove any loose grime. You can do this simply with a paper towel.
  2. Once the surface is clear, mix together a 30:70 mix of Methylated Spirits and water.
  3. Apply the solution to a cloth and wipe down the stone areas.
  4. Once your done, use a paper towel to pat the excess water off of the surface.
  5.  To finish, we highly recommend using  a micro-fibre cloth to remove any excess dust or left over solution. This will ensure your benchtop is clean, safe for use and super shiny!

If you have any questions regarding caring for your benchtop you can contact us. 

*** It’s important to watch what you use on the granite, over time some harsh acidic kitchen chemicals can take their toll on the surface. Chemicals with acidic properties are the one thing that can corrode the sealing of granite, so do not use any product using vinegar or lemon. ***

*** Soap or detergent is okay to use periodically, however long term use will result in a build up on the surface***